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Mehosky Family Adoption Journey

Mehosky Photo 2


We adopted Emma in November of 2008.  She was just one at the time.  She will be three at the end of next month and has really done amazingly well!  She bonded to us almost immediately.  As a matter of fact, by the end of our stay in China, she was reluctant to go to anyone else.  Our three boys fight over who gets to wake her up in the morning and who gets to wake her in the afternoon.  They all hug her and kiss at least once a day and tell her how much they love her.  I continue to stay at home with her and we spend a lot of time together.  We cuddle a lot in the mornings with her special blanket.  She loves to do crafts.  Painting is especially fun for her.  She attends a small class of children her age on Wednesday mornings while I attend my Bible Study and she loves it!  She is such a happy little girl and everyone just loves her.  


Emma was born with bi-lateral club feet.  They were uncorrected when we got her.  She has responded extremely well to her treatment.  She had several castings done and minor surgery on her achilles tendon last January.  She wears a brace on her feet to keep them from relapsing.  The doctor is extremely happy with her progress and seems to think that by December 2010, she will no longer need to wear her braces.  At the beginning she had to wear them 23 hours a day.  But, now she only wears them during her night time sleep.  She doesn't mind them at all and helps to put them on.  She can take them off by herself, but knows she has to keep them on through the night.



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