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Meet a Physical Need: Mattresses

$45= 1 mattress for a child

Tonight, when we lay our heads down on a pillow in our comfortable beds, ready to  drift off to sleep and dream of the possibilities of tomorrow, we should all know how blessed we truly are for many reasons. There is an orphanage in Ethiopia, just a few thousand miles away, where young girls are without any bed to call their own. If they are lucky, they will sharing a foam pad, and more than likely, they will be sleeping on the cold floor. Many will not have blankets to cover with and will huddle together for warmth.


Our mission team that is traveling to Ethiopia in just a few short weeks has the privilege to make a difference. We will be working alongside many orphanages as we go to do the work God has called us to do. In particular, our goal is to meet the physical needs of the 350 girls at this orphanage to give them a space of their own and provide each girl with their own mattress. Everyone deserves to have their own personal space, no matter how small, and we thought by getting each girl a mattress, at least it is somewhere they can retreat to and call their own.

We have raised enough money for 225 mattresses for this orphanage, but we are short for the last 125. Can you help? Each mattress costs approximately $45. This amount will probably not make a huge impact on many of our monthly budgets, but it will most certainly make a difference in the life of a child in this orphanage. Please prayerfully consider partnering with us to meet this important goal.

We must raise $5,700 by August 10. 

If you are interested in helping, you can make an online donation here and click the “Donate†button. In the “Notes†section of the form, please write “August Ethiopia 2014- Cindy Douglass- Mattress Project.†

Our team wants more than anything to love the Ethiopian people and to tell them in spite of their circumstances, that above all else, God loves them. Thank you for your prayerful consideration.

Psalm 82:3- “Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed.â€

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