Meet 10-Year Old, “Bridgett”!
Bridgett is a beautiful 10 year old girl. She was diagnosed with polydactylism when she came to the orphanage. She underwent surgery in 2006 to correct polydactylism of both thumbs on both hands. The operation went smoothly and she recovered well. Her caretakers describe her as “warm and cheerful” and note that she can take care of herself. She is interested in learning new things and gets along well with all of her classmates. They also state that she has good limb movement and mental development.
Bridgett is from one of our orphanage partnerships and her file is designated as Special Focus so someone just considering adoption or at any stage of the process is eligible to review her file. Members of the Storyteller Missions team who met her in October 2015 would be happy to talk with anyone reviewing her file.
Current America World families who are interested in adopting Bridgett into their family should contact their Family Coordinator about her.
Families not currently in the process of adopting with America World should fill out a quick & simple free PRE-APPLICATION and our Intake staff will follow up with you right away.
Any questions about Bridgett or any Waiting Child can be directed to our China staff at or 800-429-2269.