Letter from Alexis
San Salvador, August 29, 2008
Dear Families,
I thank our Lord for let us finish another week, with health, work and his love; I believe this week was very special, because several families visit El Salvador, and for me it was a big pleasure to met them, and their visit was so important, and again our Lord was with us, because we were looking to set up a meeting with people from USA embassy and on Sunday we attend to a church, without knowing that we were going to meet with the General Consul, who has been a very supportive with our cause, the next day we met with him, he called the Procurador General, to express his concern about the adoption process and for the families, he is willing to help us, he is actually doing, and I personally thanks him for that.
On the other hand today I attended to a forum about the Adoption in El Salvador, I was invited by UNICEF who are working with the Procurador´s Office with one goal, find the best way to improve the adoption process in El Salvador.
So I am very happy to share with you this, and ask all of you to pray, I am sure all together we are going to make a big change in this country.
God bless you all.
Your sincerely,