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June’s China ‘Storyteller Missions’: Still Spots Left!

China Missions STM
This June, our Storyteller Missions team will be visiting orphanages in the Gansu province of China. There is still some space available on this team, but time is running out.

We are in need of medical personnel: doctors, nurses, therapists, etc. to join the team, but anyone is welcome to join. We will be spending our time working in these orphanages directly working with the children and staff there–showing them the love of Jesus by loving them, supporting them, providing care to them, and lending a hand wherever needed.

If you have not been on a mission trip to an orphanage, you don't want to miss this opportunity! Not only will you be a part in changing lives, but yours will be changed as well. So join the team, learn the stories of all the children there, then return home and Be A Storyteller for those precious children needing forever families!

To get details about this trip, visit our Gansu, China – June 2015 – Addington page!

APPLY HERE select “China (Gansu) June 2015-Addington” on the application

Remember, time is running out so sign up soon!  If you have questions, our Mission staff would be happy to help. Contact them at today!


#BeAStoryteller on a Missions trip in 2015!



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