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July Ethiopia Referrals!

EthiopiaThe Ethiopia program is excited to announce that 3 referrals were matched with families in the month of July!

Below is a list of the children referred this month and the DTE dates of the families with whom they were matched. Please keep in mind some of these referrals may be sibling sets or children with special needs.

July 2016 ET Referrals

Please keep the following in mind when reviewing the chart above:

  • Infant age range: Approximately 0-18 months
  • Toddler age range: Approximately 19-47 months

Due to the recent trends of received referrals, the wait time for female and male children ages 0-4 is 48-60 months from DTE.  This trend is based on recent history, but is subject to change and the overall trend is that the wait time is increasing. Though this is the current wait time it is not the timeframe all families should expect to experience. America World believes the wait time will continue to increase for healthy infants and toddlers.

Join us in praising God for the blessings of these referrals!


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