Journey to Judah
Thank you to the Jarmans for sharing this wonderful video of the adoption journey to their son, Judah. We are impressed with his resiliency through two surgeries and learning to walk on his new legs! Enjoy his sweet smile which grows bigger throughout the journey to becoming part of his family.
Did you know that most families can complete the adoption process of a little boy through the China waiting children program in 12-16 months? Families who are open to boys and commonly seen medical needs can be matched while working on their dossier or almost immediately after. We currently have many boys available for adoption and have recently matched all but one of our families who have their dossier logged in and are open to boys, so the need is great! Please pray and consider if God is calling you to adopt a boy through China’s waiting children program. You can view boys and girls who are currently waiting for a family on our Waiting Children website. Please contact our staff at or by calling 800-429-3369 with any questions or if you are interested in reviewing a waiting child.