Joshua Needs a Family. Will You Be a Storyteller for Him?
Joshua continues to wait for a family that can provide him with the love and nurturing he needs. He is a sweet and quiet boy. His caretaker reports that he loves to cuddle and play.
Joshua was born with binocular corneal leucoma (whitening of corneas), which has caused him to lose sight in both of his eyes; however, because the reason for his leucoma is unknown, it is also unknown until he is further evaluated by doctors if his condition can be treated to some level. At 1-1/2 years, he could crawl, respond when others asked for him to share his toys, and look for sources of sound. He is very sensitive to sounds and knows how to locate where sounds are coming from.
He is designated by the CCCWA as a Special Focus child and is from one of our agency’s orphanage partnerships. His file is now a shared file. A family at any stage of the process is eligible to review this file.
A grant is available to the family pursuing Joshua's adoption. Please contact our China staff to learn more about Joshua and the next steps to adopt him into your family. Email or call 800-429-3369.
Please pray for Joshua and that his family will be matched with him soon!
#BeAStoryteller for Joshua!