Join Us for America World Adoption Webinars
America World has ongoing webinars for our China Waiting Child program and our India program each month. If you are considering adopting from one of these countries, these webinars will familiarize you with the adoption process in each country.
Both of these webinars are presented by our China and India staff, so you will get an inside view of the details directly from those who know the adoption processes best. Each webinar is approximately 30 minutes. You can submit your questions before the webinar, or ask questions during the presentations.
“Adopting from India” Webinar
Tuesday, January 20th at 12:30 pm Eastern time
Register HERE
“Adopting a Waiting Child from China” Webinar
Thursday, February 12th at 1:00 pm Eastern time
Register HERE
Be sure to check our Events page for additional dates and times, and new webinars!