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John: Urgent Need by Friday

John's file needs to be returned China this Friday and we would love to see a family make the decision to adopt him before then. John is designated as an LID only (log-in date) child, so a family must have a dossier logged in at the CCCWA and have a current USCIS approval to be eligible for matching.

John likes to play games and listen to music. He is described as an extrovert, likes bright colors and playing games. He has repaired cleft lip & palate and Cryptorchidism.

Again, his file is designated by the CCCWA as LID-only, so a family must have a dossier logged in at the CCCWA in order to review his referral.

Please share John's information and pray for his family to contact us soon as his file must be returned to the CCCWA on Friday, February 20th.  

If you are considering adopting John, please contact our China staff at 800-429-3369 or


 #BeAStoryteller for John!


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