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It’s Never Too Late – Older Child Adoption

We've all seen newborn baby photoshoots, where angelic infants are perfectly posed on fluffy blankets or props that reflect their parent's interests. You may have had one of these reactions- “aww!” or “how did they get them to stay so still?” or “so you put your baby in a pumpkin…?!

As adorable as these newborn pictures are, one creative and big-hearted mom didn't see a reason why her adopted 13 year old son couldn't do the same. Kelly Higgins and her husband adopted Latrell and his sister Chanya at ages 10 and 5 through Florida's social services system. They joined a big family of six biological siblings! 

Kelli is a professional photographer and was preparing for a newborn photo session when Latrell said he wished for newborn photos of his own. So, they headed to the studio and shared laughs as Latrell recreated newborn poses. The photos went viral on Facebook and the family has received hundreds of supportive comments. Read about it here.


Just like Latrell, there are many older waiting children available for international adoption. It is our heart as an agency to advocate for these children so they may find loving families to call their own. If you share this burden, please call us at 800-429-3369 and we are happy to answer questions or calm concerns about older child adoption. Check out our Waiting Children webpages as well.

Maybe you have adopted an older child already- what experiences did they miss while growing up without a permanent family? What were your favorite experiences as a child? What adventures do your biological children remember and cherish from when they were little? Think through creative ways to make up for lost time and make your child feel special and valued, no matter what age. 

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