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International Adoption: Is It Right For Me & My Family?

Any major decisions in our lives require prayer, research, and careful planning. Much more so when they are lifelong decisions. Adoption is a lifelong choice.

There is so much to consider with adoption:

  • Is this God’s plan for my family?
  • How will this affect our family’s dynamics?
  • How would a child of a different culture affect us?
  • Can we afford this?
  • Can we handle a ‘special needs’ child?

Those initial questions do not even take into consideration the considerations AFTER you decided to adopt, like how do we choose the right agency or from which country do we adopt? Generally, how to adopt?

The America World families in this video share from the heart and encourage any family who is walking through these decisions.

America World is here to help walk you through the adoption questions and the process once you take that step of faith to adopt. Our website is full of resources to help you understand the countries, the processes, how to finance your adoption, details about the children who are waiting for families, and we even have free information webinars where you can hear from one of our adoption team members.

We encourage you to contact us at with questions or call us at 800-429-3369.

If you are ready to begin the process but are concerned about a country’s requirements, you can fill out a FREE PRE-APPLICATION.  For those ready to begin the adoption process, our online APPLICATION is all you need to get started. Our Intake team will follow up with all pre-applications and applications to get you on your way to growing your family through the blessings of adoption!

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