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Infant Incubators Given to Chinese Orphanages

Infant incubatorWe are excited to announce that through the support & donations from America World families, we were recently able to provide some additional donations to several orphanages in China. It is always wonderful to see how God lays a certain desire on the hearts of churches or families and we are able to join with them in helping to provide additional resources where needed. Most recently, funds were able to be used to help provide infant incubators for two small orphanages, one in the Hei Long Jiang Province and another in the Chongqing area.  Both orphanages were in need of these items, and were thankful for the infant incubators and enclosed a few pictures. As always, we feel blessed to have the opportunity  to give additional equipment and resources to orphanages in need, which is made possible through the generous giving of our families. Please join our staff in praising the Lord for His provision and care for orphanages and children in China and throughout the world. 


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