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adopt a baby from india

Indian Waiting Baby: “Leo” is Waiting

“Leo” is an extremely cute 1-year-old baby with a thick head of black hair, round cheeks, and a beautiful big smile.*  He is described by his caregivers as being an extremely happy baby who loves playing with toys and other children. Although he’s unable to talk yet, he coos, smiles and moves around on his belly.

“Leo” has microcephaly, a medical condition in which the brain does not develop properly resulting in a smaller than normal head.

Some babies with microcephaly will have normal intelligence and their heads will grow bigger. Some children may have only mild learning disabilities, while those with more severe cases may face significant cognitive delays. Treatment and therapy can help but microcephaly cannot be cured.

Read one mother’s heartwarming account of how their adoption of twin daughters, one with microcephaly, has been a blessing to their family.

There are many precious babies from India with microcephaly who are waiting for forever families and unfortunately, there are very few families that feel called to adopting children with brain conditions. Please keep “Leo” in your prayers and consider sharing his story.

This is a shared referral for more information on “Leo” or to learn more about India adoptions, please contact

America World is in need of families right now for it’s India program, as children are currently waiting for their forever families right now. If you are called to grow your family through adoption, take that first step by learning more about the process and the children available and waiting for their forever families. Our website offers lots of detailed information about international adoption, the process, the costs (and the financial assistance available!) and our caring adoption team would love to answer any questions you may have.

Learn more about Indian adoption by visiting our India Adoption pages where you can get details on the India adoption process, India adoption costsIndia adoption requirements, and more. Contact our international adoption India team with questions at .

We would love to send you our free adoption information booklet too.  The booklet provides an overview of the adoption process and all that America World is doing to care for vulnerable children around the world. Request your book here.

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∗ Note that America World does not display photos of waiting children in India, per request from CARA. Details and photos of these children are available to eligible families. Contact our India team for more information at or 800-429-3369.

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