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adopt a girl from india

Family Needed for 4-Year-Old, Miranda

Please join us in praying for “Miranda”! Miranda is an absolutely adorable little 4-year-old girl whose smile and joy will melt your heart! She has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy and a mild mental delay.

In 2015, she was admitted to the hospital with hydrocephalus. A VP shunt was placed as a result. Miranda has small, multiple brain infarcts which are now improved on her MRI. It is noted that her understanding is almost appropriate for her age.

In addition to the above, Miranda’s bloodwork suggests that she may have the sickle cell trait.

Miranda is doing incredibly well with therapy. Her physiotherapy report notes that she is doing “toe-walking” with the support of a walker. She does have right-sided-hemiparesis which makes it difficult for her to move her right hand, though she is able to hold objects. She is able to play with toys such as dolls and cars. It is noted that her adaptive hand functions are good.

Miranda is described as a friendly, happy and active child! She is the happiest when she is around her favorite people. She engages with other children and loves to play with her friends.

We have received several videos of Miranda and it is so fun to see her little personality! She is clearly a happy child and her silly, playful side shines through as well. She is walking with the support of a walker and her right side is visibly weaker but you can tell she is strong and determined. She is conversing with the staff in the videos and is even singing in one video. She is smiling, making adorable faces and clucking her tongue while on a swing.

If you would like to learn more about Miranda, we would be happy to talk to you! Please call our India team at 800-429-3369 or email or your Family Coordinator if you are already in process with us. We are asking the Lord to provide a family for this sweet girl so please pray with us to that end!

*Please keep in mind that all India referrals are part of a shared system.

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