Happy 13th Birthday, “Chloe”! Help Advocate for Her
Meet sweet Chloe who is 13-years-old today! She has such a sweet grin on her face and is described by her caregivers as a very friendly child. Chloe is HIV+ but is otherwise in good health and developing normally.
Chloe is in school and is said to be a good student. Her caregivers note that she has a good attitude towards other adults and children. She likes to play games with her friends and is able to draw, read and write. She is seen smiling at her peers as well as with her caregivers.
We would love to see this friendly girl placed with a family. What an amazing birthday gift for “Chloe”!
If you are considering older child adoption, we would be happy to connect you with other families who have adopted older children. Please reach out to your Family Coordinator.
If you are not already in the adoption process, contact our India team at India@awaa.org or 800-429-3369 if you would like more information on Chloe! Get details about adopting a child from India, too!
Please also share her information with your family, friends, AND your churches!
*Please keep in mind that all India referrals are part of a shared referral system.
Learn more about adopting an HIV+ child from America World medical consultant, Dr. Patrick Van Winkle.