India Older Child: “Ramsey” Needs a Family
Beautiful “Ramsey” is a healthy 8-year old girl who needs a family. She is a cute, active, normally developing second grade child. She is described as very friendly and very attached to the staff at her orphanage. They say she “requires a family-like environment”.
There are many Indian healthy older waiting children like “Ramsey” as well as older sibling sets waiting for forever families. Please pray with us that many families will feel the call to love these precious and deserving children.
This is a shared referral. For more information on “Ramsey” or other waiting children in India, please contact
If you would like to learn more about the process of adopting “Ramsey” or other waiting children from India, please signup for our free informational webinar, “Adopting from India” on Tuesday, June 13th from 3:00-3:30 EST.