India Adoption: Seeking a Family for “Sean” Who is Still Waiting
Today we’re advocating again for “Sean”. This now 2-year-old has a beautiful smile, big friendly eyes, and curly brown hair. He’s was born premature, has some developmental delays and has glycogen storage disorder. When he was younger, he suffered from recurrent respiratory viruses and coughing. When we last blogged about him, he was listed as having hearing loss and genital abnormalities, both of which have resolved as he’s grown older.
“Sean” still loves being carried around, is happy and friendly. He plays well with the other children in his orphanage and his nannies say he loves brightly colored toys and especially looking at picture books. “Sean” does require a special diet because of his disease.
Please continue to pray with us for “Sean” and help us to share his story.
This is a shared referral. For more information on “Sean” or other waiting children in India, please contact