India Adoption : Advocating for “Alisha”
“Alisha” is a beautiful 4 year old girl with big brown eyes and a sweet shy smile. She is described as being active, and plays well with her friends and staff members. “Alisha” is deaf.
There are many children of all ages with deafness who need families. With the medicine and technology available to us in the US today, deafness may be less complicated than it may seem. Many schools and churches are setup to accommodate people with hearing impairments by offering sign language services. Cochlear implants can drastically improve hearing for individuals who are even profoundly deaf.
If you are interested in adopting “Alisha” or another child with a hearing impairment, America World would be happy to connect you with families who have adopted children with that medical need.
This is a shared referral. For more information on “Alisha” or other waiting children in India, please contact
If you would like to learn more about the process of adopting “Alisha” or other waiting children from India, please sign up for our free informational webinar, “Adopting from India” on Tuesday, November 7, 2017 from 3:00-3:30 PM EST.