The Salvador Family’s Adoption Story
In mid-2006, my husband Mark and I had 2 biological children, Katelyn then 10 and Bradley then 6. We thought our family was complete. God had a different plan. While attending a Women of Faith Conference, I felt God clearly speaking to me to adopt a child. Many people around me, my mom included, were “adopting” children through World Vision to send money to children in other countries. God was telling me this was not enough for me, I was to actually ADOPT a child.
So being the planner that I am, I immediately went home and started researching adoption and praying more about it. One evening while waiting for Katelyn and Bradley to get out of Vacation Bible School, I broke it to Mark that I wanted to adopt a child. Since this is not something that we had ever talked about before (remember, we thought our family was complete), he just about had a heart attack! After a day or two he finally came around and was completely on board!