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In Appreciation of Moms

Mother's Day is this Sunday, and it has me thinking about how blessed I am to have a wonderful mother. My mom is my supporter and friend; I see her in the traits that make up my personality and we are uniquely two peas in a pod. 

I have friends who don’t have a positive relationship with their mothers, and other friends whose moms passed away too soon. In my work here in international adoption, I’m faced with the reality every day that millions of children don’t have moms. When I think of how much my mom has shaped my life from my very first moments, I’m humbled at the gift of having a loving mother.

Moms do it all – they fed us, helped us fall asleep, changed our diapers, stayed up all night while we were sick, and made snacks for our whole elementary school class the night before because we forgot to tell her, among other things. Among every other thing. There’s no replacement! Our vision at America World is that every adoptable orphan be placed into a loving home and have a mom that will nurture and support her child – and that family is the crucial building block to a healthy life.

How are you honoring your mother this Sunday? As a mom, a future mom, or just someone who appreciates your own mom, will you also honor an orphan on Mother’s Day with the gift of diapers? We know moms do a lot of the dirty work in raising children, changing hundreds of diapers (actually, an average of 2,700 in the first year). In orphanages, it is nannies that do this job for the little ones who can’t take care of themselves, but the numbers don't match up to the resources available to us in the U.S. Our Isaiah 1:17 funds provides orphanage support in practical ways, and we’d love for you to be a part of it.

Join our mission and be a mom to the precious children without one of their own by providing diapers for them!

I couldn't be more thankful for my mom, so it breaks my heart to know that some children are growing up without one. Will you join me in donating as a small way to appreciate what our moms have done for us?

-Jillian Bashore, Communications Manager 



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