Immunization Recommendations by the CDC
Families should note the following information from the US Department of State regarding Hepatitis A vaccinations, Hepatitis B screening, and Hepatitis B vaccinations:
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC – ) now recommends Hepatitis A immunization for household members (including babysitters or anyone who anticipates close personal contact) who will be returning to the US with a child who has been adopted from a country where hepatitis A is prevalent. Screening for Hepatitis B is also recommended for children who were born in geographic regions where Hepatitis B is common.
Under current law, children adopted from Hague countries, are required to present documentation of having received certain required vaccinations and screenings, including Hepatitis B. Families can find more information about these regulations from the CDC at the following sites:
Hepatitis B Screening
(recommendations for Routine Testing and Follow-up for Chronic Hepatitis B Virus (HBV)
More information about Hepatitis A and B:
International Adoption Overview and Statistics: