El Salvador Trip
I’m sorry for the delay in posting a blog – I was traveling most of last week to El Salvador and Honduras. I traveled with my daughter, Sophie, and with two other adoption advocates with experience working in Central America.
This was the most successful trip we’ve taken so far to El Salvador; we had a great meeting with the Procurador’s office and with the staff working at ISNA. Perhaps the greatest response has been in the attitudes of the people who are now indicating that they do want to find permanent families for their children – what an answer to prayer! One of our partner NGOs, Familia y Esperanza (those of you who know Carmen), has also recently had a generous donor begin to support their work; this should enable more orphans in El Salvador to get the paperwork they need to give them an opportunity for a family. We even made the newspaper in El Salvador! I’ve scanned in a copy for you to see the article/picture.
I only spent about 24 hours in Honduras; I met with a group that is providing social services to orphans and helping support the government in understanding the status of the orphans that are in orphanages around Tegucigalpa. Please be in prayer that as this government transitions, they will continue to show favor to the orphans that are in need of families.
I’ve already scheduled another trip to El Salvador/Honduras for mid-March. I am hoping to bring more adoption advocates and to continue to follow-up on the success of this recent trip.
— Brian Luwis, CEO