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How An Orphan Changed My Life

Christina and child Warner Brothers new horror movie, “Orphan” proclaims that it must be hard to love an adopted child as much as your own. Let me tell you about how an orphan changed my life…

When I was in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in 2007 on a Visiting Orphans mission trip to minister to the orphans and widows of Africa, I became ill with the typical stomach flu. I was in my motel room throwing up, with fever, etc… Our mission team had to fly out that morning because we were returning back to the city to visit an orphanage that took in newborns and very young orphans. I was so upset because when I finally got the strength to get out of bed and pack up, I found my suitcase engulfed with thousands of ants. They were all over everything and I barely had the strength to shake them off all of my things and get my suitcase down the stairs to get in a van to the airport. What in the world!!! Could I have had a worse start to my day?!? Needless to say, I made it through the flight and soon began to feel a little better.

Later that afternoon we went to the orphanage. I could barely go in because of the stench. I looked in the infant room and there laid 15-20 crying babies. Many of them were hungry, and many were soiled because there was not enough staff to change them, much less hold them.


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