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“Happy Birthday to Brian…Happy Birthday to You!”

Luwis Family 2014 sm

The note below comes from America World co-founder, Renee Luwis.  We are so grateful to Brian & Renee for being obedient to God's prompting 20 years ago when He led them to start the ministry of America World Adoption (America China Adoption back in 1994).  I'm certain they had no idea back then that God would use that prompting to change the lives of so many!

Dear Friends, 
In 1994, my husband and I founded America World Adoption Association after completing our first adoption from China and responding to God’s call on our lives to unite orphaned children throughout the world with their God-ordained families. Over the last twenty years, it’s been exciting to see how God has used our little ministry to impact the lives of nearly 4,000 children. 
My husband recently wrote a blog post about some major milestones our family has experienced this year. Brian just passed another milestone as he turned 50 on September 30! To celebrate his birthday, America World is foregoing its normal birthday tradition of serving Brian’s favorite dessert (cheesecake) at the office in favor of something more meaningful that will make a lasting impact in the life of a child.
Will you join me in wishing Brian a Happy Birthday by giving a gift to America World in any increment of 50? Whether you give $50, $100, or $5,000, your gift will go directly toward supporting America World’s adoption and orphan care ministries. 
To give, simply click the link below and type “Happy Birthday, Brian!” in the Notes section.
In Christ, 
Renee Luwis
America World Adoption
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