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Haiti Program Updates

HaitiThe IBESR, the government authority for adoptions in Haiti, has issued a copy of their updated adoption procedures. All America World clients in the Haiti program received an emailed newsletter with details regarding this information. The new post adoption requirements are reflected on the website. Some of the other procedures changed include updating the dossier document lists for both parents and adopted children and requiring adoption agency and lawyer registration with the IBESR. Additionally, independent adoptions are prohibited and the IBESR has strengthened the procedures and policies surrounding orphanage paperwork and orphan relinquishment.

The IBESR is re-opening to accept new dossiers as of August 1, 2012. At this time there is no reported timeline regarding when the Hague adoption procedures will begin. Prospective and current clients should still be advised that this is still an unknown factor that can affect adoption timelines. We remain committed to informing families of all program updates as soon as they are received.

We are confident these changes in procedures are being implemented to continue efforts to protect the children.  Please join us in prayer for Haiti’s orphans and the people working on their behalf. At this time our prayer is specifically from Psalm 136 as we remember God’s mercy, love and provisions for all His people.


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