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Haiti Mission Trip Testimonies

We are back from our Reverse Hosting Mission trip to Haiti. What an incredible trip!  Here are the perspectives of a few of our team members.  We hope you will join America World on our next trip to Haiti!

“It has been a culture shock to say the least to be back home. I look around at all the “stuff” we have accumulated and I think of what was needed to survive for most of the people on the street. I think that is inevitable to have that concern and have those thoughts flood through your mind. We think we “need” things that ultimately are merely wants or pleasures. America is so blessed. I had an amazing time getting to broaden my horizon of the different people and lifestyles of the world. God’s love for Haiti is not dependent on what they possess and His grace for me is not dependent on what I have to offer.” Andy Rosenbalm


“I'm sure we are all experiencing all kinds of emotions since our trip, but one thing for sure, is that I can't stop praising God for giving me the opportunity to experience what I did last week.  It was everything I prayed it would be.  I wanted a jolt from my “of this world life” and I certainly got that!  I feel that John's insight on how I would feel upon my return was spot on!  He told us not to feel guilty for the life we have, but to rejoice in the knowledge that God has an awesome plan.  The other thing I prayed for is that we would provide some comfort and God's love to the children of Haiti and in my heart I know that happened.  I am in awe of the adoptive parents and the selfless challenges they are sure to face.  Know that I am praying for them and their families.  I will miss the fellowship we all shared last week and I know that the trip will always remain one of the most special experiences that I will have in my lifetime.” Dan Stern


“Daniel and I are both missing Haiti! We fell in love with the people and culture and especially all those sweet children we were able to bless. In actuality, they blessed us far more.   Haiti has a way of getting into your soul and becoming part of you. I think I saw God there profoundly in the way that love was given, shared and imitated not only among our team, but the children, Jonas and Sandro, the drivers and everyone else we interacted with.  We will never be the same.” Terry Lacey

For more information regarding our Haiti Adoption Program or America World Reverse Mission Trips to Haiti, please contact Michelle Reed at

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