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Haiti Hub: Speak Creole. Connect. Do More.

Haiti Hub photo
Back in March 2014, America World introduced our Haiti families to Haiti Hub, an online language learning resource to learn Haitian Creole while they wait through the adoption process.  We continue to offer this program to our Haiti families, their extended families and friends.  

This program offers 16 modules to walk you through basic Creole. Each person works individually and at their own pace.  As you prepare to bring your child(ren) home, this is a wonderful opportunity to learn an important aspect of your child(ren)'s culture. Knowing some basic words and phrases will help your child(ren) during the transition as you learn to communicate and get to know each other. 

America World Adoption has partnered with Haiti Hub so not only do our Haiti families get a 10% discount when you sign up for Haiti Hub, but Haiti Hub has generously agreed to donate $20 per registration to support the America World Guesthouse in Port-au-Prince.

Haiti Hub Logo
To get started, click here: and use the America World specific coupon code 77H17 in order to receive the discount.  Once you register, you will receive confirmation from Haiti Hub and information about joining their next Skype conference call. The call is optional, but a good way to get started and learn a few tips from the experts.

We were just recently notified that America World has at least two individuals (adoptive parents) that have successfully become Haiti Hub All-Stars.  In Haiti Hub’s curriculum, if you get perfect scores on all of the Module quizzes you become a Haiti Hub All-Star.  This group has over 100 of our strongest and most committed learners.  

We hope you will take advantage of this great offer and pass it along to your family and friends!


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