Haiti Adoption Update
We have had such a positive response to our posting about Haiti adoption. We’ve heard from many families that are interested in more information once it becomes available. If you’d like to add your name and e-mail address to this list, please email info@awaa.org with “Haiti Adoption Interest†in the subject line.
I spoke with someone today whose family is strongly considering adopting after he and his wife learned of the plight of orphans in Haiti. After they learned a few days ago that adoption from Haiti isn’t readily available for new adoption cases, he and his wife are now considering adopting a child from another country. We believe that God is using the tragic events in Haiti to help a child who is in need of a family – even though that child isn’t in Haiti.
I know that God works in mysterious and unpredictable ways – and I wonder if this tragedy in Haiti isn’t God’s way of showing us that there are orphans all over the world in need of families. Instead of an earthquake, tens of thousands of children have been left as orphans in Ethiopia because of HIV/AIDS, poverty and famine; your family can get more information about Ethiopia adoption by going to our website or emailing ethiopia@awaa.org. In Rwanda, the aftermath of the genocide, HIV/AIDS and extreme poverty have left many children as orphans; this is one of our newest programs and we’ve been encouraged to see the results; families can email a Rwanda Family Coordinator at rwanda@awaa.org. Our China Waiting Children Program has children available age six months to fourteen years including young children with minor and medically correctible special needs; please email waitingchildren@awaa.org for more information about this.
I encourage you to pray and seek the Lord’s will for your family. And please continue praying for those in need in Haiti – a crisis of this magnitude will require years and years of help – and I pray that by the mercy and grace of God this will not be a time when orphans are left by the wayside, but that permanent families will be sought for them.
— Brian Luwis, CEO