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Great News About Caleb!

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We couldn't wait until Monday to share more great news with you all.  Caleb now has a family! Caleb is from one of America World's partner orphanages and has be on our Waiting Child list for several months.  We are so excited for Caleb and his family!

The purpose behind our “Be A Storyteller” initiative is to tell orphan's stories that would otherwise be left untold. Our tagline is, 'Every life is a story. God is the Author of all stories. Orphans need their story told. Be A Storyteller!' Every orphan's story that we share gets shared again, and again, and again, until it reaches a family who God has ordained to adopt that child. It has made a difference in Caleb's life and in the lives of so many children already in 2015!

There are so many children waiting for families who still need their stories told.

If God is calling you to adopt, just maybe a child on our Waiting Child Pages is the child God has ordained to be a son or daughter in your family.  Please contact our staff at 800-429-3369 or to learn more about these precious children.

Be A Storyteller!


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