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Gratitude for God’s Provision

America World has much to be thankful for as God has blessed
our agency tremendously throughout the years. The Ethiopia program is elated to
announce that our Transition Home 2 (older child transition home) is being
relocated to a better location and building. We have been searching for a new
space that will better accommodate the children, and God has provided for us
once again. 

The new TH2 has space for more children to reside, and also
shares a fence with our younger children’s Transition Home, which is very
convenient for our children and staff. The children are very excited for
the move as the new Transition Home 2 has a bigger outdoor area to play and a
garden for the kids.

We expect to be moved in the home in the upcoming weeks and
will share pictures once we are settled in.

America World is very grateful for God’s continual provision
in the many details of our adoption programs. We hope you and your family have
a wonderful Thanksgiving.

If you would like to donate towards the renovation and
decoration of this home, please contact our Ethiopia program at:

–Ethiopia Program Staff


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