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Fundraise For Your Adoption Through Our E-Store


We have some great merchandise on our new e-store. It's awesome not only because you can show that you are adopting or care about the cause of orphans by what you wear, but also because you can use the store to fundraise for your adoption or mission expenses! We know that the costs can be a huge hurdle to bringing your child home, so anytime we hear of a financial resource, we pass it on to you. 

We'll give you a custom code that your family and friends (or anyone!) can enter at checkout through the online store, and 30% of their purchase will be applied to your expenses. There's no cost to you at all- just email us if you're interested in utilizing this resource and we'll set it up for you.


Several months back, we polled our facebook page on their preference for a country t-shirt design. The answers were quite devisive, and through many conversations in our office, it was decided to go with the designs pictured. As these designs sell out, we'll produce different ones. It's our hope that these shirts will be an advocacy tool and attract, not detract, attention to the unified mission of placing children in loving families. Click on each picture to go to their store page!


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