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Fruit in El Salvador!

Praise the Lord!  Our recent trip to El Salvador is already producing fruit!  I have attached an article from a Salvadorian newspaper that is just one of several results that have come (and we pray will continue to come) from these purposeful trips. 


Please see below for the translation to this article:


In order for children that have been abandoned to grow integrated in a family where they received love and respect, must stop been and ideal and become a priority challenge in the local social agenda. This is what Doctor Jean Geran, founding member of LEGATUM INSTITUTE of LONDON who visited El Salvador, supported by ASOSICACION FAMILIA Y ESPERANZA.
LEGATUM INSTITUTE, is a private organization that promotes an initiative to bring together individuals, organization, and governments that work in matters related to the strengthening of families and finding permanent parental care for orphans in vulnerable situation.
After visiting a community located in the skirts of the San Salvador volcano,  having interviews with family of the place and with  some dignitaries, related to the family justice JEAN GERAN express that childhood must be supported  so that it can be successful  which is humanity objective of human being.
“It must be understood that institutionalization is not the best decision nor the most advantageous for any childâ€, express GERAN when referring to the model of Interment of abandoned children that prevalence in many countries including ours.
She expresses that policies must be created as well as a model of attention that ensures that minors in vulnerable situation ( that have been abandoned) or taken from their homes and are been protected)  be integrated to selective families that want them, the community of MADRID SPAIN has already worked with this model. The model of attention that Geran is talking about is far from those that prevail in the United States and England, because in these countries foster families are paid for them to care for these children. The representative of the Legatum Institute expressed her expectations for the new government to make new ways towards a new model of help for this sector of the population and also about the new Law of Integral Protection for Childhood and adolescence that is in the Legislative Assembly.
For this British citizen , El Salvador has on its favor the fact that in spite of poverty citizens still cherish families as she notice during her visit to the rural location. Geran considers that an effort in order to bring sensitivity to Salvadorian society for families to remain whole, as it is the key social institution for development.
She also added that people must be made conscious about the fact that families can help abandoned children by making them a part of these families and even without having to adopt them.

— Brian Luwis, CEO


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