Free Adoption Information
Today is the last day of November–National Adoption Month. It is a month that our nation set aside to focus on adoption.
At America World Adoption, we advocate for orphans every single day of the year and we challenge you to share adoption information with your friends and family who may be considering being a forever family for a child with no mom or dad.
America World has just updated our free information booklet, which was designed as a helpful resource to families who are:
- Considering adoption but don't know where to start,
- Needing adoption requirements & costs for adoptive countries,
- Wanting a resource to help navigate the financial planning of adoption,
- Thinking about taking a mission trip to an orphanage to give hope to a child, or
- Desiring to actively be a part of orphan care around the world.
You can request a free information booklet HERE for yourself or share with a friend, and either receive a hard copy, download a PDF copy immediately, or both!
Adoption Education