“Foreign Adoptions by Americans Drop to Lowest Level Since 1981”
The U.S. Department of State released its 2015 Report on Intercountry Adoption, which reveals a decline in adoption from countries outside the U.S. The total number of adoptions in 2015 is the lowest since 1981.
National Council for Adoption President & CEO, Chuck Johnson, commented on the decline in NCFA's blog post on Friday, April 1st. Read the NCFA post HERE.
The report is tragic for many orphans who have little to no hope of being reunited with their biological families as many developing countries do not have the infrastructure for domestic or intercountry adoption.
“How Do I Help?”
We would ask that you pray with us that this trend would change in 2016. Pray that God would open doors for the orphans trapped in a system that denies their fundamental right to a family, including the doors being held closed by governments.
There are children currently are available for adoption and simply need families to be a part of. If you are called to adopt we encourage you to pray about where God is calling you. Visit our adoption program pages to learn more about taking that first step.
Not called to adopt? There are many ways that you can make an eternal difference in the lives of orphans around the world–be a Storyteller by visiting them and returning home to share their stories; join with One Orphan because ONE person can impact ONE child's life.