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Finally A Forever Family: Perspective from an Orphan in India

Mona 6

We are honored to pray for the children we serve and are always excited to see God unite children with their forever families. Sometimes it can be discouraging to be praying for a child and yet they still don’t have a family. This week we found encouragement through this story and wanted to share it with you, as a reminder to us all that the Lord answers these prayers and bring forward families in His timing.

Lisa AdamsReese, Director of the AWAA India program, met a four year old boy when she was visiting an orphanage in India who was in the process of completing some other international adoptions. Lisa prayed for a family for this little boy and finally, years later at age 9, his forever family is preparing to pick him up and bring him home now. While she was praying for his adoption, this little boy saw the other children around him being chosen for adoption. He kept thinking to himself, “if only God gave me a hand, I would get a family.†Years later, a family came forward for his adoption and when he learned this news he said, “God gave me a family and I didn’t even have to grown a hand.†We rejoice that this little boy can know the unconditional love of his forever family and through them will also learn of the unconditional love of our God. Please join us in praise for this little boy’s adoption!


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