Ezra needs a forever family, please help us share!
Ezra is a precious 3 ½ year old whom his caregivers describe as handsome and obedient.
At the time of this report, it is noted that he is able to understand his caregivers, and will respond to them. He is able to convey simple words, such as baba (father) and mama, and will sing or recite simple children’s songs. Although he has more complex hand deformities and toe deformities on both feet, he is able to coordinate with his hands and hold onto objects that he wants. He is an active little guy and can walk and run. He loves being outside and playing and particularly enjoys the swing-set and any outdoor activities. He is able to go to the restroom without assistance, too. He is talkative and his caregivers are fond of him and say he is a lovely little boy.
Ezra is from an AWAA partner orphanage and his file is designated as Special Focus so families at any stage of the adoption process or those just considering adoption are eligible to review his file. If you are interested in learning more about this child, or our China waiting child program,
email china@awaa.org or call us at 800-429-3369. You can also take 3-5 minutes to fill out a FREE pre-application on our website which helps you determine if you meet China’s adoption requirements.