Exerpts from: A Son by Adoption
This story is for the fathers who have everything except a son by adoption.
I have four daughters, three by adoption and one by birth, and they were every bit “daddy’s little girls…” My life was quite complete; I was content with my girls, and I did not think I was missing anything… It wasn’t until my wife began to develop the desire to adopt a son that I had to address some of my deep-rooted fears connected with adopting a son.
Deep down I had concerns about how an adopted son would reflect on me… As someone who would describe himself as wholly unprejudiced concerning the adoption of any child, I found myself facing the ugly side of my human nature and my bias towards the adoption of a son. My desire to have a son of my flesh with my name, my traits, my family lineage, etc., kept me from being open to a son through adoption… The other difficulty I faced was adopting a child with a special need. So God exposed my worldly expectations, and in grace, rather than condemnation, surpassed anything I could have hoped for. The truth is that I could not have asked for a more perfect son by birth or adoption…
For the dads out there who don’t have a son, I encourage you to dive in and embrace the idea of having a son through adoption to carry on your family name…who knows, he will probably surpass all you could hope and imagine a son could be. I know my son does; and I believe by God’s grace that your son will too. For God does things beyond what we can ask or imagine.
Brian Andrew Luwis, the proud father of Abel Jiang Luwis, my son by adoption.