Encouraging News From El Salvador & Kazakhstan!
My family and I are in San Salvador right now. We are on a trip with some dear friends advocating for orphans in El Salvador. Originally, we had planned on being in Honduras, but the recent political events changed our plans – and the LORD has directed our steps. This week has re-confirmed my belief that there are lots of children in El Salvador that need permanent families and that God is doing a big work here.
We had the privilege of meeting the First Lady of El Salvador yesterday. She was very gracious to us and expressed her desire to see reforms and improvements in El Salvador’s child welfare system. She expressed her support of adoption and her willingness to have her office help improve the process.
Alexis, our in-country employee, has been working hard for the family that is currently in El Salvador (and got their visa!) and the families that will be coming. We are very pleased to see the movement of families through ISNA and look forward to many more adoptions here.
Lots of other good things this week back at the office, including a Kazakhstan Dossier approved by the D.C. Consulate; there’s also always a lot of challenges for us to keep in prayer. Your prayers for our work are greatly appreciated.
My family is traveling home today and I’m looking forward to being back in the office next week.
To help us bring more children home from El Salvador by creating identities for orphans who live there, please donate to our Orphan's Ticket Home campaign. You can do so by visiting www.orphanstickethome.org. It's through this campaign that the adoption for this child was made possible.
– Brian Luwis, CEO