Eastern Europe Programs Updates
I am pleased to announce that in the past couple of months we have had several families complete their adoptions in Russia and one family complete their adoption in Kazakhstan. We have also seen some movement in Nizhny with referrals coming in and it has certainly been a long-awaited time for the families registered in this region.
We are excited to share with you that our Ukraine program is slowly but surely growing. In the last few months several families have applied and been approved for this program and we are anticipating the good things God has in store!
It is not too soon to be talking Christmas and this year, and so far, we have one family who will officially be parents (their court date is set for December 8 and their ten day wait period will end December 22) only a few short days before December 25th. What an amazing Christmas present they will receive this year! We congratulate and celebrate with this family as they prepare to spend their first Christmas in Russia with their son.