Down Syndrome Spotlight: “Tanya” From India Needs a Family
“Tanya” is a 3 year old girl with straight black hair and dark brown eyes. She has Down Syndrome. She is loving and comfortable with the staff at her orphanage, but shy of strangers. Although she still can’t walk unassisted at age 3, she is starting to communicate with single words.
There are many girls and boys with Down Syndrome available for adoption from India. Please pray with us for families who want to be blessed with a joyful precious child like “Tanya”.
This is a shared referral. For more information on “Tanya” or other waiting children in India, please contact
If you would like to learn more about the process of adopting waiting children from India, please signup for our free informational webinar, “Adopting from India” on Tuesday, July 18th from 3:00-3:30 EST.