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“Day of Hope” Has Begun!

12 PM update

We are asking all America World families to consider making a one-time or recurring donation to America World Adoption. If you choose to make a year-end donation today your donation with be doubled thanks to a generous dollar for dollar matching grant that we received. You can donate online at .  Please choose General Donation and note Day of Hope in the notes section.  

Why are we doing this?  There are 3 very important initiatives that we are focused on today:

  • Ethiopia Transition Home
  • Children for our China Spring Hosting Program
  • Post-Adoption Support

America World desires to keep adoption expenses for families adopting as managable as possible.  These initiatives are vitally important to the orphan advocacy work we do, but we prefer to have these necessary costs raised through support rather than passed on to our families who are adopting.  To do this, we need to raise $120,000.  The great part is that an anonymous donor will be matching your donations, dollar for dollar, up to $60,000!  Read more about each initiative below.  Reach out to your friends, family and church and ask them to be a part of America World's Day of Hope 2014!

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