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Congratulations, India Families!

India 1-9-15
Congratulations to the 3 families in traveled in December and the 5 families preparing to travel in January! Several families have accepted or are in the process of reviewing referrals for boys and girls with various medical conditions.

America World is working with over 30 orphanages all across India to help place children into their forever families and expect to continue to work with even more orphanages as India continues to register more children with medical needs or healthy older children for adoption.

There is a great need for families open to children of all ages with a medical need or healthy older children above the age of 7 years. Specifically there are waiting children both boys and girls, ages 4 month-15 years old with HIV, developmental delays, limb differences, vision impairment, hearing impairment, a medical condition needing surgery or therapy and other medical needs.

America World has many research and training resources for families considering adopting an older child such as: Completing research through Love Without Boundaries and No Hands But Ours, speaking with our family references, or experienced adoption staff who have adopted from India and have over 15 years of adoption experience work within India.  

Please call or email America World for more information on the India program and view our India page for more details. 

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