China Waiting Children Program: Returning Referrals
Due to changes in the CCAA’s Waiting Children Program referral policies, the CCAA has asked all agencies to return any agency specific referrals that have been assigned to the agency for over 3 months as well as any referral files that are not currently under review by a family. Therefore, America World will be returning these referrals on Friday, February 19th, 2010. All China Program families who are waiting for a referral and participating in the WC program will receive an email today with information on the referrals that are being returned. Any other family interested in learning about these referrals can contact no later than Thursday February 18th by 5pm, in order to learn how to review the referral information.
In addition to receiving the referral information in an email today, all WCP families will also receive details on other recent changes to the CCAA’s referral policies. We look forward to continuing to assist families accept their referral through this program. We anticipate there will continue to be many adoptions though the WC program as the CCAA and AWAA are committed to helping waiting children find their forever families.