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Waiting Child Photolisting

China Waiting Child: Meet “Sullivan”

Sullivan is a precious young boy desperately in need of a forever family!  Although shy and withdrawn when he first arrived at his orphanage, gradually he was able to come out of his shell.

Our team who met him in November 2016 describes him as social, happy, and motivated to be independent.  His medical need is a gait deformity of both lower limbs.  Our team also notes that he is developmentally delayed compared to other children his age, but felt as though he would be able to improve with therapy.  While he does have trouble walking, he is able to walk with assistance and pull himself up to stand.

He receives 30 minutes of physical therapy every day and seems to be improving over time.  When he would fall trying to do something, team members would see him laugh and then immediately try again.  It was also seen that he is able to hold a pen and is able to scribble to write and is able to assist in caring for himself.

Sullivan’s social and communication skills were described as excellent.  He willingly shared toys with other children and displayed good problem-solving skills.  While he will most definitely need additional therapies, there is so much unlocked potential seen in this little one!

Sullivan is an agency file from one of our previous partnership orphanages.  His file has been designated by the CCCWA as a special focus file. Please contact our China team at for more information.

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