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Chinese children in a circle

Family Needed for Hopeful “Kevin”

Kevin is a sunny, active, strong, warm, resilient little boy with a happy heart and hopeful outlook! He faces vision challenges due to his diagnosis of congenital microcornea. He is able to sense light, track moving objects and shadows, see characters vaguely, and identify those around him by name.

Kevin’s caretakers note that he is very articulate, expressing himself clearly and learning to recite many ancient poems. Despite his vision challenges, Kevin makes excellent grades. His teachers describe him as respectful and positive in class, brave and strong in PE, and note that he enjoys thinking, answering questions, drawing, and music.

China orphan passport photoKevin is 7-years-old and has strong self-management skills. He can dress, eat, sleep, use the restroom, and meet his own needs independently. He is also self-disciplined and careful to obey health and safety rules. Kevin’s caretakers also note that he is very affectionate and kind and treats the younger children patiently, sharing food and toys with them.

Please take a few minutes to consider how God would have you be a part of helping this precious child, whether that is through prayingadvocating, or inquiring to learn more.

You can learn more about the process of adopting from China on our China overview page as well as learn about eligibility requirements for a China adoption.

If you are interested in learning more about Kevin or adopting a child from China, please email our China team at or you can reach us by phone at  800-429-3369 for more information.

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