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China- Update on CCCWA’s Review of Dossiers

ChinaThe China Center for Children’s Welfare and Adoption (CCCWA) has confirmed
that they have completed the review of dossiers that were registered with their
office through April 2012. This means that all families who were logged in at
the CCCWA through April 2012 have had their dossier paperwork reviewed. The
CCCWA completed 2 months of dossier review (March/April 2012). The timeframe
for the dossier review process will vary as it is based upon the number of
dossiers that are logged in during the particular month(s) that is(are)
currently under review.

**Families should note that the CCCWA will generally contact an agency when
there is an issue with a family’s dossier, while it is being reviewed during
the dossier review stage and will request any corrections or clarification of
information contained in the dossier. Although a family may not be
questioned during the review stage, a family may still be questioned at the
referral matching stage, though this is less common.

will continue to post any future updates to dossier review as soon as they are
confirmed by the CCCWA.


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