China Program Receives June Referrals
Families Receive Referrals!!
America World received 4 healthy referrals on Friday, June 19th ! We also received one referral for a family who was expedited due to Chinese heritage. The little girls were all located in the Jiangxi Province and ranged in age from 6-7 months of age. Families receiving referrals were logged in at the CCAA on 3/16/2006 (AWAA Group 253) and waited 39 months from their Log in Date (LID) for their referrals.
The current Chinese expedite wait time is between 26-29 months from Log in Date. Please note that this wait time also varies and can increase.
Next AWAA Group for Referrals
America World’s next group waiting to receive a referral have a LID of 3/22/2006.
Cut-off Date for Referrals
The CCAA has not yet posted the cut off date for the June referrals, but we will post that on our blog as soon as it is sent to agencies. Once that information is obtained, we will post our monthly June review of referrals, wait time, and other statistics.