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China Program- Conference Call Scheduled

The China program will be hosting a conference call for all China program families who are not currently participating in the waiting children program. This call will focus primarily on topics relating to families who are waiting on their LID referral match by the CCCWA. This call will be held on Tuesday, December 6th at 3pm EST, and will discuss the current China wait time, referrals, and other subjects pertaining to families in this particular program. 

Although waiting children program families are invited to attend the China program call as well, a separate conference call for current waiting children program families has also been scheduled for later in the week, to discuss topics applicable to that particular referral process.

We highly encourage all current China waiting families (who are waiting for their LID match by the CCCWA) to join us Tuesday, December 6th at 3pm EST, to learn more about the current wait time trends, referral matching timelines, and other options while you wait. We look forward to speaking with you next week.


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