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China Program: CCCWA Matches for May Referrals

The CCCWA has confirmed that they have matched families whose log in dates are June 21-June 30 with referrals for the month of May.  The CCCWA processed 10 days of LID’s for May referrals.  America World’s next two groups included in this referral group have a log in date of June 26 and June 27.  Please join us in congratulating these families as they prepare for travel!

Next AWAA Group To Receive a Referral
America World’s next referral groups are logged in on July 5 and July 14, 2006.  We do not know how many log in dates the CCCWA will process in their upcoming next group of referrals. The average trend of processing, at present, is generally 5-10 LID dates each month. Please note that while July 5, 2006 represents AWAA’s next group waiting for a referral, there are still other agencies around the world with various LID’s waiting to be matched prior to July 5, 2006. The CCCWA matches families with referrals in a systematic manner and in order of the next date(s) on the calendar to be processed.  An agency that doesn’t have any families LID on the upcoming dates being matched will not receive referrals until the CCCWA reaches their next Log in Date. This ensures that every family who has the same log in date, will receive referrals at the same time. (unless there is an issue in question regarding the family’s dossier- in which case a family would be notified) Log in dates vary throughout the calendar year for every agency’s families.

Current Wait Time
The current wait time from LID to referral is 59-60 months with a trend of increasing approximately a full month each month. This wait time represents how long families who just received referrals waited for their referral and how long the next group anticipating their referral will most likely wait if matched in next month’s referral group. Families should read the China Program Newsletter emailed on 3/2/2011 to understand the variety of factors contributing to the wait time and the reasons why it is impossible to predict the referral wait time for each family. Families should continue to anticipate a long wait for a referral. The wait time estimates apply to all families who have an LID and continue to increase for all families currently logged in at the CCCWA.

Chinese Expedite Wait Time

Families who are of Chinese heritage and who have dossiers submitted as Chinese expedites, can anticipate a slightly shorter wait time. The CCCWA will now begin matching Chinese expedite families who have a dossier logged in July of 2007 as they will now begin matching July 2006 LID’s at the same time .  The CCCWA’s desire is to keep one year apart between the regular matching process and the Chinese expedite matching process.  This will mean that the Chinese expedite wait time will generally be 12 months shorter than the current estimated wait time you will see listed each month.

Dossier Review
The CCCWA has completed the review of dossiers that were registered with their office through September 2010. This means that families who were LID through September 30, 2010 have had their dossiers reviewed. The timeframe for the dossier review process will vary as it is based upon the number of dossiers that are logged in during the particular month(s) that is(are) currently under review.

Overview of Options While you Wait

Concurrent Family Building
Any family interested in pursuing a concurrent adoption or pregnancy during the wait time, should contact their Family Coordinator for more information. There are many concurrent adoption options that are available while a family’s dossier is waiting to be matched.  Please note that a family cannot participate in a Concurrent family building plan and be a part of the China Waiting Children Program due to the expedited nature of receiving a referral through the Waiting Children Program.

Waiting Children Program
America World’s Waiting Children Program (WCP) is also an excellent option for families who are interested in an older child who is healthy, or a baby/toddler/older boy or girl with a medical need, a developmental/growth delay, or a repaired condition. Families who are interested in learning more about this exciting program and the children that are currently available, should contact their Family Coordinator for more information.

Special Focus Program
The Waiting Child Special Focus Children (SFC) program is also another option families may consider within the waiting children program, if desiring to add two children to their home on one dossier. Families interested in this option should contact their Family Coordinator to request more information on the details of this program.


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